Wednesday, July 30, 2008

McCain Ad: Celeb

UPDATE: Obama wants to pay reparations, like the most leftist of Chicago politicians. Hugh Hewitt on the slavish MSM coverage, and absolutely right with this:
A McCain presidency would be grounded on the firm conviction of American greatness and exceptionalism, as well as the uniqueness of the American mission in the world.

Obama's would be built on the "mature" understanding of America's many past sins, its enormous greed and grasping, its unfair use of vast quantities of resources and its need to respect world opinion and world institutions even when those opinions and institutions are at cross-purposes with American national interests.

Is American greatness the engine of the world, or American guilt an explanation for it?

Obama is rightly getting hammered for skipping a meeting with wounded American warriors in German --the WaPo tries to give Obama some cover, but the only fact that matters is that Obama committed to going and then he didn't go-- but the real story of the past ten days is his full unveiling as Europe's candidate for the presidency, with an attitude and a platform indistinguishable from the standard critique America has been receiving for fifty years from the people it rescued sixty years ago.

The rapidly spreading understanding of Obama as an arrogant elitist with an enormous sense of entitlement combined with an awesome contempt for America as it has been in the post World War II era accounts for the air escaping from the Obama boomlet. Tromping through Europe to the wild applause of the anti-America left is a big flare for most voters. "Who is this guy, and why isn't he lecturing Europe on its gratitude gap?"
And Obama begins to earn the mockery of the Washington Post's prime mocker. If the Big O's not careful, he may begin to seem too much the incumbent. The Left attack dogs may get confused. The Rose Garden strategy may not work.

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