Monday, April 26, 2010

Rahmbo and Too Big To Fail

Who knows whether Rahmbo really wants to be mayor or not, but the Tribune gives a snapshot of big Emanuel moments. One that should get more scrutiny is No. 6, covering his lucrative stint at too big to fail Freddie Mac, for which, along with Fannie Mae (Barack Obama, D-Fannie Mae), taxpayers are now on the hook for bigtime bailouts.

Then there is his quick $16 million windfall at an investment bank, post-Clinton administration, before he inherited the Blago 5th district congressional seat. The Obama administration wants to institutionalize too big to fail with their latest so-called financial reform bill.

How about some more transparency and accountability?

We can do better on this bill
. No to another Big Government takeover with no accountability using our money to bankrupt the country. No to Rahmbo's Chicago Way over all.

...This administration is a moral hazard. More. Cartoon by Michael Ramirez.

P.S. Meanwhile, back in Illinois, Blago Goes to Church

More. Jim Geraghty, the Campaign Spot: The Democrats’ Party-Wide Expiration Date Regarding Wall Street with the NRSC's new ad. Rahm gets a mention.

More. Chicagoan William J. Kelly in the Washington Times: COUNTDOWN: Top 10 weird reasons Rahm Emanuel wants to be Mayor of Chicago

And this:Crovitz: The Misguided Attack on Derivatives

Big Government
on the impact on community banks who by and large were not responsible for the meltdown but will be disproportionately hit with more crippling regulations--hurting Main St.

More. Legal Insurrection:"Thou Shall Not Bet Against A Bubble"

Related posts: Any reform that excludes Fannie & Freddie is a fraud, Not so simple, not so fast

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