Thursday, February 16, 2006

Brady for Illinois Governor

I support Bill Brady for Governor of Illinois.

Illinois is bankrupt; has the largest underfunded pension liability in the country, ranks 46th in job growth, and unlike other states has not rebounded from the recession of a few years ago. Illinois is usually an economic leader among the states with its great natural advantages of fertile farmland, transportation and energy.

The governing culture is corrupt, with pay-to-play the norm.

Doctors and businesses are leaving the state as a result of prohibitive insurance rates and a hostile regulatory climate.

Illinois medical school graduates are leaving the state to find good jobs elsewhere.

Governor Blagojevich has added nearly 300 new fees---a tax increase.

Bill Brady is an economic conservative. He is a small businessman, the backbone of our economy, an entrepreneur who knows what it takes to grow jobs in Illinois.

Brady represents the next generation of leadership in Illinois. Elected and re-elected in his Bloomington district, Bill Brady is a principled, experienced legislator, who has worked across party lines when he can find common ground.

Bill Brady is the only candidate who has signed a pledge not to raise taxes.

Vote Bill Brady for Governor, for honest, principled and fiscally responsible leadership.

We need a new generation of Republican leadership in Illinois---Vote Brady! (site & online ad)


Bill Baar said...

I like him too.

Anne said...

Hey, great Bill,I value your opinion!