Thursday, February 09, 2006

Durbin Tells Truth!

As a sideshow to the McCain-Obama drama, our esteemed Senator Dick "Duck" Durbin weighs in. Today's Tribune:
Few discussions about reforms, however, surround the financing of political campaigns, which Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said is the root of the problem.

"At the heart of this is the way we finance political campaigns," Durbin, a member of the Rules Committee, said during the hearing. "The reason some of us end up at dinner with some of these people is not because we enjoy their company, but because we need their help."
Perhaps after making such an uncharacteristically candid remark, Sen. Durbin may be forced to eat crow.

I suppose he could always write a book to cover the costs of having to pay for his own meals now, the Dick Durbin Diet.

I could suggest a nice recipe for duck.

Can't help with crow, though.

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