Sunday, February 19, 2006

Iran the Terror State

Iran issues fatwa, in the Telegraph, via Iran Focus:
Iran's hardline spiritual leaders have issued an unprecedented new fatwa, or holy order, sanctioning the use of atomic weapons against its enemies.
Iran persecutes Sufi minority, Iran Focus:
Islamic mystics, or Sufis, focus on the direct perception of Truth or God through mystic practices based on divine love. Sufism, common to both Sunni and Shiite sects of Islam, has its roots in Iran. Its followers oppose Iran’s ruling theocracy on spiritual grounds.

Police arrested some one thousand Sufis as clashes broke out after the place of worship used by the mystics was demolished Tuesday on government orders.
Also from Iran Focus:
Iran criticised its principal opposition movement on Saturday for charging that it was behind the recent violence over cartoons depicting negatively the Islamic prophet Muhammad published in European dailies.

A coalition of Iranian dissidents, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), had accused Tehran of dispatching several clerics to European and Muslim countries as part of an effort to create an international uproar over the publication of the cartoons. The council, whose members include the People’s Mojahedin (or Mojahedin-e Khalq), said attacks on European embassies in Tehran were part of a deliberate effort by Iran’s ruling Shiite clerics to garner Muslim support in their face-off with the West over Iran’s controversial nuclear program.
This is hopefully one of the groups Secretary of State Condi Rice wants to fund to achieve regime change in Iran.

Here is an excellent website: Regime Change Iran.

It may be too late for peaceful regime change though. Iran is signing up suicide bombers, especially targeting women. Those they haven't hanged.

And Michael Ledeen believes they already have nuclear weapons.

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