Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Long War

Muslim hackers are disrupting Danish (dk) sites.

And the leftist Guardian's Washington correspondent reports (emphasis mine):

Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, suggested at the weekend that western democracies must acknowledge they are locked in a life or death struggle comparable to those against fascism and communism. "The enemy have designed and distributed a map where national borders are erased and replaced by a global extremist Islamic empire."
So Israel is apparently not the only country knocked off the map.

Just as important, Gen Kimmitt said, was enhancement of the coalition's ability to forge long-term diplomatic and law enforcement networks to counter the "astonishing" use by al-Qaida and its allies of "physical and virtual domains" such as the internet.

'The fundamental forces at play in the long war should not be underestimated," he said. "An extremist ideology seeks to go back to the era of theocratic dictatorship, repression and intolerance" while employing the latest technology to do so. The movement's aim was to end western influence in the Muslim world and overthrow "apostate" Middle Eastern regimes, he said, and it would not hesitate to use WMD.

The "long war" doctrine, formalising President Bush's earlier division of the world into good guys and evil-doers, is likely to prove highly controversial as its wider implications unfold. Washington will be accused of scaremongering and exacerbating the clash of cultures. In the US itself, the human and moral cost of the post-9/11 wars is already under critical scrutiny, from soldiers' families to the former president Jimmy Carter.

Helpful of the Guardian to remind us that Cindy Sheehan and Jimmy Carter think this confrontation Iran has forced upon us and the world is scaremongering on our part.

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