Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Nanny Jan and the Rules

From the Honorable Congressperson, Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)'s blog about New Orleans:
The Convention Center that we saw on TV packed with desperate people the week after the storm is all cleaned up and houses a remarkable health clinic that serves thousands of people and is available today to address the needs of Mardi Gras participants. It is state of the art, run by dedicated physicians and nationally certified. Nonetheless, as of our hearing on January 26, it had not received a single penny in reimbursement from the federal government. Why? Because the clinic is in tents and the rules require hard walls!
The rules. The rules?!
Jan "Nanny State" Schakowsky is mad about the rules.

I say donate to the Salvation Army. Can't go Red Cross anymore, they have gone Hollywood.

And support our military.

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