Monday, February 20, 2006

The Real Outrage

The mainstream media is fiddling away while Rome burns. It's beyond comical to criminal. The number of major stories ignored keep piling up because they don't fit the liberal news template set in the Vietnam-Watergate era. There is serious news to dig into, so most of us look for our news elsewhere. But one of the major media's advantages is that they have easier access to leaders and information. So what do they choose to focus on and ask tough questions about?

We all know last week it was Dick Cheney's hunting accident while he was on vacation. And the MSM is planning another week of exhaustive coverage, hunting for sinister secrets. They are becoming a mockery, an afterthought. They are OUT OF TOUCH.

Meanwhile as Mary Laney points out:
When will we get the news about Able Danger and the tapes of Saddam Hussein?

The New York Times did more than 30 stories on reported abuse by a few Americans on prisoners in Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison. Other papers, news magazines and network newscasts followed suit. Yet they all refused to reprint those Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad for fear they'd insult Muslims.

Is there a view now that America is evil and that it's all right to condemn this country, its leaders and soldiers, but not offend those who have attacked it, who have killed 3,000 people here?

And remember Putin publicly smirking at Blair at a post-war meeting in Moscow, and taunting him in front of reporters, "What about those WMD?". That should have rung a bell right there to the gathered press. Do you remember our bombs almost hit some Russian "diplomats" fleeing to the Syrian border at the beginning of the war? Legitimate diplomats would have coordinated with us for their safety.

The media rushes to report on Bin Laden's latest tape but ignores breaking news on the Saddam tapes. And when it does report on the tapes, as Nightline did, it suppresses information in a clearly biased way to continue to downplay the story. Lorie Byrd, via RCP:
The placement of the segment, following one on the Cheney birdshot interview, made clear the significance the network put on the story of the tapes. The comments at the end from Brian Ross, that the tapes would provide fuel to arguments from both sides of the WMD question, in my opinion, while certainly true, downplayed the revelations in the tapes about efforts to deceive weapons inspectors and intentions to quickly resume WMD production as soon as the inspectors had left.
The Washington Times:
More information has surfaced in recent days about Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction programs, and the possible roles of Syria and Russia in spiriting WMD and massive arsenals of conventional munitions out of Iraq prior to the start of the war three years ago.
As far as Able Danger goes, coverage of the congressional hearings in the MSM are minimal. From the Strata-Sphere, via RCP:
Apparently Able Danger an enormous success, post 9-11. I am getting the feeling, mostly from the awe in Cambone’s voice and his clearly honest comments, that it is a bit of a legend in intel circles under its current designation. Cambone let on that Able Danger’s products played a huge role in the rolling up of Al Qaeda after 9-11. My feeling is it is this successful period after 9-11, where the technology showed how we can reach out and touch the ones we want, that makes those who lived through the 2000 mess really frustrated. The post 9-11 success meant it was possible to have another huge success before 9-11, without the loss of 3000 lives.
News of these developments have enormous implications for public policy and America's security at home, so we don't make the same mistakes again.

Apparently the mainstream media is the last to know. Or care.


Anonymous said...

Vodkapundit has a good post on this today.

The Gentle Cricket said...

It's becoming very clear to anyone who is willing to look deeper than the MSM that Russia played a huge role in hiding the WMD's. The MSM will not cover the story of Mr. Shaw, nor will it cover the tapes of Saddam, just like it ignored the story of the Iraqi general who told of weapons being transported to Syria just prior to the invasion. Russia is complicit.