Saturday, February 11, 2006

Sturm und Drang

Harvard's president is under attack again by liberal members of the faculty, who want him fired, after the resignation of a dean:

Judith Ryan, the professor of German and comparative literature who introduced the latest resolution, said Kirby's resignation "was the main trigger." But "there were several issues of contention," including financial issues and "a feeling that the administration of the university had become dysfunctional and we were in a deep state of malaise that had threatened to become paralysis."
Some Sturm und Drang from the feminist German professor.
Summers' supporters maintain he is being attacked by a small group of faculty who have petty grievances or oppose parts of his agenda, such as changing the curriculum or expansion of Harvard's Allston campus in Boston, which lies across the Charles River from the school's main campus in Cambridge.

"I don't think they're quite as angry (as last year)," government Professor Harvey Mansfield said of the faculty. "It's a group. This is feminist left that is making the protest, and added to them are those who have been personally miffed by the president. I think most of those who don't fall into those two categories do not want to dispose of Larry Summers."

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