Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Taking Their Innocence

Armed with the threat of a lawsuit and the veiled charge of "bigot", Me-First-At-All-Costs activists are once again breaking down the school house doors and taking our children hostage.

Once again we have a teacher undergoing a sex-change operation and coming back to the same school. It happened in the school district next door a few years ago, the principal at the junior high.

Now we have a teacher coming back to an elementary school, having taught there for 5 years as a man, now a woman. The Modesto Bee:
Several parents said children in the school - which consists of kindergarten through sixth grade - were not old enough to understand the concept of changing one's gender.

"I, as a parent, am appalled to have this issue brought into my child's psychology," Steve Bond said.

Vincent Mustacchio predicted "chaos" at the school when the students learned of McBeth's surgery.

Young children will be confused by the conflicting appearance of McBeth, who has a deep voice and masculine features but otherwise looks like a woman, other parents said.

"I will not allow you to put my kids in a petri dish and hope it all turns out fine," said Mark Schnepp, who had taken out an ad in a local newspaper urging parents to turn out for the meeting.

Several people spoke in support of McBeth, including three transgender people, two former students of McBeth's and a handful of others, saying that the fact that she is a good teacher was more important than whether she appears as a man or a woman in class.

I don't have a problem with a teacher deciding to change their sex, or switching to another school district after the operation. I do have a problem with the teacher returning to the same school or district.

I think it is wrong to subject children to graphic sex.

Common sense revolts.

Parents have enough difficulty trying to protect their children from violent images without having to deal with it in the public schools, and then explain it at home.

Mind images and anxieties about the surgery are the stuff of children's nightmares.

Most teachers at least profess to put children first.

These teachers and their professional advocacy groups assault our children with sex and rob them of their innocence.

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