Monday, March 06, 2006

Can do Women of Today

Apparently Democrats are going after the unconnected, uninformed voter for the 2006 elections. They are specifically going after uninformed women, per Ellen Goodman, via RCP.

How is this news?

They've been uninforming voters for years, and have demogogued issues without offering solutions as part of their standard playbook. Democrats go after the victim in all of us, but succeed with fewer and fewer. Most people want to succeed in life and overcome setbacks with a can-do attitude. This Democrat cult of victimology is especially pernicious for women, who are disproportionately poor, largely as a result of unwed motherhood.

One finding most social scientists agree on, which spurred welfare reform in the 90's, is that if you finish high school, get married first (after the age of 20), and then have a baby your chances of living in poverty are practically nil. See James Q. Wilson, City Journal. And after 9-11, social scientists were surprised to find in New York that those who didn't undergo therapy but adopted a "get-on-with-life" attitude coped better. See George A. Bonanno of Columbia University in American Psychologist.

So feeling in control of your life with a can-do attitude is key. Whether Democrats call their core philosophy liberalism, or call themselves progressives, there is nothing progressive about it. And they do a disservice to poor women to keep peddling this philosophy from 30 plus years ago, which failed spectacularly in the Carter administration, exemplified by the Misery Index.

Apparently liberals like Ellen Goodman look upon this era with great fondness. But I prefer the predominant can-do attitude of today's women. AP:
When Roe Hyer was diagnosed with breast cancer so advanced that doctors gave her only a month to live, the single mom decided to finally start living. The spunky hairdresser, then 39, was tired of "being a passenger" in life. She moved to Florida, took up body building and bought her own motorcycle - a metallic blue Suzuki Intruder 800....."I didn't have control of the cancer, there's nothing you can do, so riding is something you have control of," said Hyer, now 54.

Rosie the Roe the Biker.

You can do it!

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