After residents in Prospect Heights spoke up, worried that village development plans threatened their homes with eminent domain, village officials are considering reversing their position, joining the lone alderman opposed to the plan. From the Mount Prospect Times:
The city already has the power to use eminent domain, city officials said, and Pace said the council will also talk about possibly saying it will not use eminent domain.
"We're not trying to take away your property," Pace said.
City officials say creating a business district would allow them more control over redevelopment and could eventually help the city bring in more sales tax dollars. Once a business district is established, state law outlines certain powers the city may use in that district. The main advantage is the ability to approve redevelopment projects, city officials said. The proposed district does not mean the property is rezoned.
(Logo is from the Castle Coalition, see their Survival Guide here)
UPDATE: The Chicago Tribune today in their editorial finally joined the Chicago Sun Times and their suburban newspapers, The Daily Herald, and Crain's in urging passage of the Garrett-Cronin bill SB 3086 to limit eminent domain abuse in Illinois.
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