Saturday, March 18, 2006

A Man's a Man

Harvard Professor Harvey Mansfield, one of the few conservatives left there, has written a book on “Manliness”. Just the title alone has feminists frothing at the mouth. The Independent Women’s Forum hosted Mansfield this week, and Charlotte Allen has a great post discussing the book and contrasting Conservative Man with Liberal Man. She also cites a review by Kay Hymowitz:

"Mansfield hardly imagines that we can return to a society where men go off to be manly and women stay at home. Instead, he argues, we should revive a core distinction of liberalism: the divide between the public and the private. Sexual stereotypes would be discouraged in public life, but in private we “should admit that they are true”—and that they are what makes for mutual interdependence. The fact, for example, that women are physically weaker than men requires women to be ’more aware, more realistic.’ The two sexes need each other in order to be fully themselves—and to be truly free".

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