Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Pro Abortion Above All

From GOP Bloggers:
I was surprised to read that Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm will sign a bill requiring abortion providers to give pregnant women the option (also known as a "choice") to see ultrasound images of the their unborn child.
Who would oppose this kind of bill, though? Surely it is always good to err on the side of more information, full disclosure. But critics called it "an erosion of women's rights". Why? Because informed women might decide not to abort their babies, and that might erode support for the pro-abortionists.

Once again illustrating that the feminazis of NARAL and the ACLU are not about choice, they are about leftist-boss-us-around politics, and are pro-abortion. Advocacy for abortion-at-all costs trumps health and choice.

Here's another illustration of lack of respect for choice and free speech of the pro-abortion crowd, in Right Wing Nation.

And then there's the fundamental lack of respect for life.

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