Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Red Queen or Taliban?

Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, after signing an order last year, continues to target pharmacists who, as a matter of conscience, object to being forced to fill prescriptions for contraceptives, including the morning after pill: (Earlier post here.)
Blagojevich warned Illinois pharmacists in April to dispense the abortifacient morning-after pill or face legal backlash – despite a state statute that exempts pharmacists from participating in practices contrary to their religious views.
Here are his allies who of course put their wants and beliefs over everyone else's :
The Governor has been out in front of women’s issues, and this is one more way he is working toward equality for women. It is unconscionable that a pharmacist, who is a licensed health care professional, would even consider his or her personal beliefs over the needs of a patient and the decision she has made with her medical provider,” said Shelley A. Davis, Director of Programs and Advocacy for the Chicago Foundation for Women.
The governor's latest scheme, Tribune:
Each of the state's roughly 2,700 pharmacies would be required to post a sign with Gov. Rod Blagojevich's name on it that details what options customers have in buying contraceptives under a proposal the governor announced Monday.

Blagojevich's plan comes during an election year in which he is pushing health-care issues, and it follows a controversial order he put into place last year requiring pharmacies that sell contraceptives--including the morning-after pill--to dispense them without delay.
Freedom of conscience has been in the news lately, though it's usually not an issue in this part of the world:
Some pharmacists have said they believe that forcing them to fill such prescriptions violates their religious principles. But Blagojevich said the measures he is putting into place will prevent pharmacists from "trying to make a political statement" when they are supposed to be doing their jobs.
Governor Rod Blagojevich.......Red Queen or Taliban?

Off with their heads!!!!

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