Wednesday, April 19, 2006

As Time Goes By

I used to read Time magazine a bit when I was a kid, back in the day of Time, Life and Walter Cronkite.

I haven't read Time in years. They created a little news this week (Lynn Sweet here) by starting a feature on the best Senators and the worst Senators, who "make a difference", and have included Illinois Senator Dick Durbin on the list, shown posing with Lincoln in the background. Durbin is hailed as the Debator, and Time lauds his ability to "distill complicated issues for the C-SPAN-viewing public."

I can think of another word for it--demagoguery.

What the story really looks like, though is a star vehicle for Sen. John McCain "The Mainstreamer", and his presidential bid. He is mixed in with mediocre Democrats and Republican moderates, (the one exception fellow Arizonan Sen. Jon Kyl, who Time damns with faint praise as "The Operator". Obviously he is a diplomatic, skilled good guy).

And note the absence of the junior Senator from New York.

Hillary must be steamed. (I guess she made "honorable mention" as an up and comer).

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