Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Hillary on the Hunt

Former First Lady Hillary Clinton is in town on Tuesday. She is on the hunt for $$$ and support for her presidential bid, though her next election is for her Senate job this fall. Hillary has been on her best behavior the last six years, charming the Senate, but now is trying out her "charm" on the rest of us. (We're not so pathetic.) Sun Times column here.

She's giving a speech tomorrow at the Economic Club of Chicago. And she's apparently also going after the Catholic vote, doing a fundraiser for pro-life Democrat and Senate candidate Bob Casey of Pennsylvania. There are Catholics here, that is true, but not many pro-life Catholic Democrat politicians. Not any, as far as I know.

One of her New York constituents E.J. Kessler writes in the New York Observer (via Ralph Reiland, RCP): "Unlike most Democrats, she sounds sincere when she employs Jesus language." and suggests Bill's a good character reference: "Once upon a time a follower of an evangelical denomination --- a Baptist named Bill Clinton --- begged her to marry him."

Unbelievable! Does anyone remember the New York Times Sunday magazine with "Saint Hillary" on the cover? (sorry, couldn't find the pix, but a good description) She was espousing some Barbra Streisand-like loony left New Age twaddle and for once I think she was sincere--"the politics of meaning", with her at the center of the cult.

She hasn't changed a bit, but is more circumspect.

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