Interview with Hillary by Al Hunt of Bloomberg, via Lynn Sweet:
HUNT: Senator, you sit in the Armed Services Committee. There were reports this weekend, the ``Washington Post'' and elsewhere, that the United States is considering a military option against Iran if it won't relinquish any ambitions to nuclear weapons. The ``New Yorker'' even said that we're considering using nuclear – tactical nuclear weapons. Should those options be on the table when it comes to Iran?
CLINTON: Well, I have said publicly no option should be off the table, but I would certainly take nuclear weapons off the table. And this administration has been very willing to talk about using nuclear weapons in a way we haven't seen since the dawn of a nuclear age. I think that's a terrible mistake.
Secondly, when it comes to Iran I think the administration needs to engage in a process with Iran. They outsource this issue of whether Iran would go nuclear to the Europeans. I thought that was a mistake then. I've said it on numerous occasions since. We dealt with the Soviet Union, who had thousands of missiles on hair trigger alert pointed at us. I remember hiding under my desk – a little good that would do – when I was a child. But we lived with that threat and we never stopped negotiating and engaging in a process with our most implacable foe for decades, someone who had been a country, a system, that was dedicated to destroying us.
This administration takes this kind of hands off approach to North Korea, to Iran. All I know is that five years ago North Korea didn't have nuclear weapons. We now believe it does. And five years ago Iran may have been toying with it or thinking about it. Now it looks as though it's on the road to it.
Unbelievable! Well, it was the Clintonites who gave N. Korea billions to develop nuclear energy installations and chose to ignore N. Korea's violations on the road to developing nuclear weapons!!! And it didn't take decades, it just took the Clinton Administration.
Hillary, who cultivates this tough on terror image, now preemptively takes nukes off the table with Iran?!! That nuclear deterrance may be the only way to stop Iran diplomatically, by the implied threat! What kind of commander in chief would she be? And we will probably need those nukes to destroy Iran's nuclear weapons facilities before they destroy Israel.
Hillary used to be a Goldwater girl, before she flipped left. The famous ad of the '68 presidential campaign was the little girl in the field of daisies, and then the mushroom cloud.
Here is Mark Steyn, Facing Down Iran: Our lives depend on it:
Back when nuclear weapons were an elite club of five relatively sane world powers, your average Western progressive was convinced the planet was about to go ka-boom any minute. The mushroom cloud was one of the most familiar images in the culture, a recurring feature of novels and album covers and movie posters. There were bestselling dystopian picture books for children, in which the handful of survivors spent their last days walking in a nuclear winter wonderland. Now a state openly committed to the annihilation of a neighboring nation has nukes, and we shrug: Can’t be helped. Just the way things are.
Read the whole thing.
Iran has now stated it has joined the nuclear club and is enriching uranium to make fuel. And even the UN's IAEA is finally shocked and alarmed. Via Iran Focus, The Daily Telegraph here.
We haven't seen a bi-partisan foreign policy for years, with disagreements stopping at the water's edge. After Sept. 11th there was some hope for it, but that is long gone. If Hillary really wants to be serious about national security, now would be the time to join with the President to face the common enemy Iran.
But she's already blown it.
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