Friday, April 28, 2006

The Schoenberg Shift

Governor Blagojevich got his embryonic stem cell funding for this year by doing an end run around the normal legislative process, slipping it in under "scientific research". See earlier post, Playing Politics With Life and Death.

He's running into some interference with the coming year's budget, though, on the issue. The Sun Times:

The governor's bid to launch a five-year, $100 million stem cell research grant program that he outlined in his budget address may fall by the wayside, however, amid opposition from Republicans and some conservative Downstate Democrats.
But advocates of this unproven, immoral research to be conducted on the taxpayer's dime are still hopeful, because Sen. Jeff Schoenberg, one of the prime sponsors, is planning an end run around the voters.
Daily Herald:
The governor tucked the $10 million into this year’s budget without lawmakers’ knowledge, drawing stern criticism from conservative Republicans and downstate Democrats who voted for it but are philosophically opposed to the use of stem cells in medical research as an abortion-related issue.

Political leaders have said a separate vote would be held this year on Blagojevich’s $100 million plan. State Sen. Jeff Schoenberg, an Evanston Democrat, hinted Monday that vote could be delayed until after the November election, when lame-duck lawmakers could cast a vote in favor without any repercussions. But an effort last year to spend tax dollars on stem-cell research failed by a wide margin, so it’s questionable whether even a post-election vote would succeed.

Doubtless Sen. Schoenberg hopes some legislative seats will shift in his favor. Or maybe they already have, but we just don't know about it. So ask your legislator his or her position.

And whether they are familiar with that smooth move of his, the Schoenberg Shift.

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