Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Don't Fence Me In

Heading back from the school run, detouring around construction, a flash of powder blue caught my eye.....

Of course, the UN flag.

Seeing this reminded me of other outposts in town.....

La Belle France

The Planet

This one has an exclamation point!

So we already have a borderless contingent around here. Why not look north and beyond? As we savants know, borders don't matter any more, and Al Gore says Global Warming is going to turn Canada into a tropical paradise, look on the bright side. Tony Blankley, RCP:
After all, Canada is virtually empty. There are less than 30 million Canadians in over 3.9 million square miles. It's bigger than the United States and largely undeveloped. Plus, bin Laden doesn't seem to care about Canada. We will no longer be in the bull's eye. Let the Mexican/New Americans deal with him.
Like Canada, we already have the French Fifth Columnists.

And then the United States of America can just ride off into the sunset.

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