Thursday, May 25, 2006

It Sparked a Movement

Here is Save the GOP's Mark Harris, who just won the Pennsylvania Republican primary as one of its state reps.

Just added it to the blogroll.

These guys are an inspiration!!!

In case you missed it--Harris is the hero of Economics for Dummies.

The American Spectator on what happened in Pennsylvania:
"The Toomey-Specter race took place two years ago, but the votes are still coming in tonight."

That was the observation of one Pennsylvanian, an establishment Republican, as he watched the primary returns Tuesday night. Still upset by last year's pay raise, Republican primary voters sent packing two state legislative leaders, David J. "Chip" Brightbill, Senate majority leader, and Robert Jubelirer, Senate president pro tempore. Over a dozen House incumbents were also turned out of office. Speaking to TAS on the condition of anonymity, the Republican said Pat Toomey's 2004 primary challenge of Sen. Arlen Specter did not end with his defeat. Rather, it sparked a movement. Tuesday's primary was "a chance for us conservatives to keep voting," he said.
Conservatives need to keep running for office. Engage, don't retreat. We have a winning message.

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