Monday, May 08, 2006

Mr. So and so Speaks Up

A few weeks ago, in a post about the dismal performance of Chicago schools, I mentioned a teacher blogger who had written an anguished series of posts about what he saw going on in his high school. His identity was exposed and he has since been fired.

What he had to say created huge controversy, mostly creating a backlash toward him for supposedly painting all students with the same brush. As he took down his blog, he's finally being given a chance to defend himself by a Tribune columnist who took him to task. Here's her earlier column. Here's what the teacher, Mr. "So and So" had to say in this one:
Hello from Mr. So-and-so!

For those demanding that the anonymous blog author come forward, here's your long-awaited explanation.

The blog was not meant to insult, degrade, or disparage any person. Does the author think some things, like dealing drugs in the hallways and using bad grammar at inappropriate times, are just unacceptable? Absolutely! Is having this opinion racist? I don't think so.

Some chastised entertainer Bill Cosby for his opinion on the plight of the "lower-class black people who weren't holding up their end of the deal." Others considered him a hero for prompting many to take a good look in the mirror.

Did Mr. Cosby's words apply to all African-Americans? Goodness no! He spoke on what he saw as needing attention. In the same way, this blog was a criticism of the problems. Why wasn't anything positive conveyed in the blog? That's not what needed attention.

Mr. So-and-so is not naive, crazy, or racist. Perhaps he was crazy enough to say this aloud, or had reached such a depressing point in his career that what people think of him no longer matters.

Students and colleagues who know his genuine love for students have sent many supportive e-mails. Mr. So-and-so is not perfect. He's the guy who got to work at 6:30 a.m. and often stayed until the janitors kicked him out at 10:30 p.m. He's the guy who builds two or three working computers from the ones others throw out, so kids can actually type a paper. He's the guy who co-coached the mock trial team to the finals.

He's the guy who misses the good students every day--and he had plenty of them. And do you not think Mr. So-and-so worries about how he'll pay rent? Or whether he and his family will be safe from the threats he's received?

I wonder when the attention will shift away from the blog and turn to solving the problems that plague Fenger and other schools.
And that is probably why he wrote the blog in the first place.

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