Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Vultures on the Left

It is no wonder the Left has lost moral authority in America. Liberals demand impossibly high standards from everyone else, while anything goes for them. Actually, they tend to turn what any one of us would consider morally bankrupt behavior into a badge of honor.

The Left refuses to recognize truly honorable behavior, that exemplified by the service of thousands of our troops, day in and day out. Perhaps that is why, in the newspapers I see, most stories about our troops only cover them when they are dead. We do not hear about the heroes.

And now we have a charge that Marines intentionally murdered civilians. No matter that the village was a terrorist haven, or that the investigation is not yet complete, the vultures on the Left are circling. The Washington Post is already setting the stage for charges of a massive cover-up; doubtless hoping for the next Watergate to bring down this President and his administration, before the facts on the ground have even been established. John McIntyre, RCP:
You're damn right our Marines deserve the benefit of the doubt. I watched the beginning of NBC Nightly News' broadcast on the Haditha incident last night and I felt sick, angry and depressed. I know this story has to be covered, I know that we have an obligation to the 99.99% of all the other troops in the field and to the American people to find out what really happened, and if there was wrong doing to punish the individuals who grotesquely crossed the line. But can't the story just be mentioned in passing or relegated to page A19 where they put all of the good news about Iraq and the economy, until at least the military finishes its investigation?

Why the urge to cover this story on the front page and lead your broadcast with it when no one has all of the facts? Who does that help? Don't our men and women who are putting their lives on the line for our country every day deserve at least that respect?

The MSM does not want to punish individuals, they want to brand our entire military as murderers, because that is what they think of them. Michelle Malkin, via RCP:
I do not know the truth about Haditha. Neither do Murtha and the media outlets calling the alleged massacre a massacre before all the facts are in. It would be helpful if they could handle these grave charges without serving as al Jazeera satellite offices.
Read her entire post.

Women and children are dead in Haditha. We will find out the truth. But let's remember this. Malkin on the Left:
They insist on giving suspected foreign terrorists more benefit of the doubt than our own men and women in uniform. And that, I know, I am not willing to do.

I will wait. I will pray. And I will remind you that while the murder of civilians is and remains an anomaly in American military history, it is the jihadists' way of life.

However Haditha turns out, most Americans realize we must keep fighting the jihadists the Left never recognizes as an enemy. They can't bring themselves to recognize a truly evil foe, because then they might really have to fight with something other than the sneering words and character assassination they use on their countrymen.

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