Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Axis of Evil Plus

The venue of the World Cup is ripe for sex traffickers. And the situation is exacerbated by prostitution being legal in the host country, Germany.

Most victims as you would expect are women and children. It's the axis of evil plus. Sun Times:
Apart from Arab ally Saudi Arabia and the Central American nation of Belize, the rest of the list of violators reads like a catalog of nations at perpetual odds with the Bush administration: Myanmar, Cuba, Iran, Laos, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Zimbabwe.
Of course feminists are outraged that women are being violated in this way!

.....Nope, still waiting to hear from them.

But someone is speaking up.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice deserves much credit for raising the profile of this issue in the Bush administration. Secretary Rice:
The movement to end trafficking in persons is more than a human rights objective; it is a matter of global security.

President Bush's National Security Strategy reaffirmed our belief that promoting democracy and human rights is the most effective long-term strategy for ensuring stability. Included in the Strategy's goals for ending tyranny, spreading freedom, and championing human dignity is our commitment to ending human trafficking: "Trafficking in persons is a form of modern-day slavery, and we strive for its total abolition. Future generations will not excuse those who turn a blind eye to it."

You would think feminists and liberals would make this connection between tyrannical regimes and the oppression of women, and make a compact with the Bush administration on this issue, if only in the round about way, that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. They did briefly care about women in burkas in Afghanistan, but that was then.

I guess all their compassion is used up on themselves and what they want. And so they flip it around, our pro-life President Bush is the only enemy that counts, and feminists in this country give a pass to regimes like those in Iran, who sentence girls to death for defending themselves from rape.

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