Monday, June 05, 2006

Sunshine Patriotism

Please spare us the Vietnam comparisons. There is no comparison. It is lazy journalism at best and liberal propaganda. The Tribune has a predictable story on the front page, "Battling Stresses of War." Yes, war is stressful, but that both trivializes what our soldiers face and also attempts to brand them all when they come home as psychological misfits. Here is Daniel Henninger, WSJ on the "Iraq Syndrome".


Michelle Malkin here with a lead in to Mark Steyn's Sunday column on Haditha. Steyn:
For three years, coalition forces in Iraq behaved so well that a salivating Vietnam culture had to make do with the thinnest of pickings.....

But now at last the media have their story. They're off the leash. And, if the worst rumors are true, those 10 Marines will come to symbolize the 99.99 percent of their comrades who every day do great things for the Iraqi and Afghan people.

Most Americans have the moral integrity to persevere against terrorists and tyrants---after a fair hearing, we will punish those who violate the rules of war, but we will not abandon our soldiers or the millions we helped liberate. And many of us have contempt for the media elites and their sunshine patriotism.

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