Sunday, July 09, 2006

Wacko Liberals

Hilarious post brought to us, courtesy of Ellen of 10th, with a description of the motley anti-Bush protest when he was in town last Friday. Here are Ray's Periodic Rantings:
I enjoy protests, but I have to say that this one was a bit disappointing. Not as many people turned out as I would have liked to see, and our effectiveness was reduced by two factors. First, we were stuck out of the way in a "designated area," a park with limited visibility, one full block away from the entrance that president used.

But second and worse was the nature of the protest itself: uncoordinated. Organizing liberals and progressive can be like herding cats, and it showed. There were two different locations where people were speaking, and in at least one case they contradicted each other, not to mention rambling on about countless things that are irrelevant. We were supposed to be there to protest Bush, not every single wacko liberal agenda under the sun. Seriously, we all have far greater concerns right now than the Cuban Five.
Couldn't agree more. Happy to amplify this "quiet power" and let this message "resonate". Nice pix here.

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