Monday, August 28, 2006

Another Extremist Idealogue

Rahm made a few remarks and now he's really on the outs with the Dem nutroot Left. Tom Bevan, RCP blog, "The Great Dem Purge-Part II".

Join the club Rahm. Now you know what it's like to be a conservative, we've been insulted by the Left for years. But you probably remember that, calling anyone to the right of you an extremist was a trademark of the Clinton administration, which you served so ably. It was so pervasive it sifted down to local politics.

Some former Democrats, (though not me), often say "I didn't leave the Democrat party, the party left me".

But here's the litany. First it was on the Vietnam war. Then it was on abortion. Then the Cold War. Then saving a snail darter or some bottom-feeding fish while depriving a lumberman or a farmer of his livelihood, and letting forests burn. Then encouraging unwed motherhood with welfare. Then gun control, while letting killers out early. Then driving religion out of the public square. Then luddite trade protectionism. Raising taxes always as a first resort. Finally blaming America first in the terror war and making apologies for Islamo-fascist "freedom fighters". And some have betrayed our country and compromised our security.

What do the Democrats have left? Who do they have left?

I'd say a few extremist idealogues.

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