Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Feeding A Crocodile

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, former congressman of my district, is a brilliant and brave man, and we are fortunate that he serves our country at such a critical time. Unlike many of his critics, Rumsfeld knows his history and has absorbed its lessons:

Indeed, in the decades before World War II, a great many argued that the fascist threat was exaggerated -- or that it was someone else's problem. Some nations tried to negotiate a separate peace -- even as the enemy made its deadly ambitions crystal clear.

It was, as Churchill observed, a bit like feeding a crocodile, hoping it would eat you last.

There was a strange innocence in views of the world. Someone recently recalled one U.S. Senator's reaction in September 1939, upon hearing that Hitler had invaded Poland to start World War II. He exclaimed:

"Lord, if only I could have talked with Hitler, all this might have been avoided."
Think of that!
Indeed we can. We have Democrat Senators today who display this kind of ridiculous egotism, which is perilous for our country. And Rumsfeld rightfully chastises the media for their blame America first bias.

Read the full text at RCP.

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