Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Snake and the Apple

Nothing illustrates better the bankruptcy of the state of Illinois than GOP candidate for Governor Judy Baar Topinka's proposal to fund education through another casino, this time in Chicago.

That said, I have to give her credit for straight talk. Tribune:
Topinka acknowledged her move risked offending a core conservative Republican constituency that is morally opposed to gambling and has qualms about her socially moderate positions on gay rights and abortion.

"There will be those who won't like it, but you can't please everyone," Topinka said. "Would they feel worse if I raised taxes? Probably so, I mean, life's not perfect. We don't live in paradise. The snake and the apple took care of that. So here we are."
I also like the cap on sales taxes for gasoline. And even though the proposed casino would be run privately, not by the City of Chicago (which would be an invitation to corruption), Mayor Daley is not taking sides. Interesting. Tribune editorial initially positive, calling it a "rescue plan". Sun Times story here.

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