Friday, September 08, 2006

Governor Blow-Dry

Governor Blagojevich calls whistleblowers "scoundrels". Links and comments at Capitol Fax. And from Eric Krol's column in the Daily Herald:
The gruff politicos of old are replaced by blow-dried types who are able to go in front of the cameras with a straight face after the deals are exposed and tell voters that you do things right — complete with an ever-present twinkle in your eye that says you don’t really take any of this seriously.
Hey, Rod, these NINE investigations aren't going to blow over.

Looks like he's missing the twinkle.

UPDATE: More bad news for Governor Blowhard. Tribune:
A federal judge has refused to throw out a lawsuit over Gov. Rod Blagojevich's requirement that pharmacists dispense emergency birth control.

Judge Jeanne Scott ruled that seven pharmacists who refused to offer the "morning-after pill" have a legitimate argument that the rule violates their religious freedom.

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