Friday, September 01, 2006

Idiotarian of the Year

The first recipient of the Idiotarian of the Year award, now named in his honor, and also responsible for the blogger term "fisking", "journalist" Robert Fisk speaks this weekend at the Islamic Society of North America convention, along with former Iranian leader Khatami and other sponsors and apologists of Islamo-fascist terror. (Earlier post "Peaceful Conversions and Other News"), Tribune story:
Capt. James Yee, the former Army chaplain at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba who was acquitted on charges of mishandling classified documents, will speak at a Saturday session about his book, "For God and Country: Faith and Patriotism Under Fire."

Robert Fisk, British author of "Pity the Nation," a recounting of the Lebanese civil war, is also scheduled to speak Saturday.
Fisk has been chronicling recent events in Lebanon, (sampling here) including swallowing whole the Hezbollah/Red Cross fauxtography.

UPDATE: Kathleen Parker, RCP on the religion of peace. We'd like to see evidence of it, but this convention line-up is not promising.

UPDATE: Here are some samples of CAIR Chicago's thinking. Their site blares, "Ignorance is the enemy". Indeed.

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