Thursday, September 28, 2006

The New Anti-Semitism

Victor Davis Hanson, RCP on the new anti-Semitism "It is a strange mixture of violent hatred by radical Islamists and the more or less indifference to it by Westerners."

I would say it is the bland face of evil.

Hanson goes on:
Instead of Israel being a safe haven for Jews in their historical birthplace, the Iranians apparently find that concentration only too convenient for their own final nuclear solution.

In response, here at home the Council on Foreign Relations rewards the Iranian president with an invitation to speak to its membership. At the podium of that hallowed chamber, Ahmadinejad, who questions whether the Holocaust ever took place, basically dismissed a firsthand witness of Dachau by asking whether he really could be that old.

Has this been plastered all over the papers for days, as the pope's remarks were? And yet we are not to take this madman seriously.

Hanson speaks of kneejerk lefty multiculti sympathy for the "oppressed" morphing into sympathy for terrorists--so the Jews are now the new Nazis--and it is becoming normal to suggest they be eliminated.

Previous post: A Clear Choice

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