Saturday, September 16, 2006

Rosie the Radical Leftie

RNC's spoof of the "Defeatocrats", featuring Rosie O'Donnell:
"The View's" Rosie O'Donnell Claims Radical Christianity "Just As Threatening" As Radical Islam And Says U.S. "Bombing" Innocent People:

Rosie O'Donnell: "Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America where we have separation of church and state." (ABC's "The View," 9/13/06)

Rosie the radical leftie has given $$$$$ to the Illinois congressional campaigns of Melissa Bean and Tammy Duckworth.

Guess us radical Christians had best get out of town.

On second thought maybe Rosie would like to go hang out with those innocent people. (Note to Rosie, see previous post.)

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