Thursday, September 28, 2006

Star-Bellied Sneeches and their ilk

We now have a new class of citizen in Wilmette--a new elite, the star-bellied sneeches of the North Shore--owners of the SmartWay Elites with special discount stickers. The anointed ones can hog the road with virtue while the rest of us are expected to pay more for the privilege of driving around town.

And so there is a rumble of discontent from citizens. Some are talking about driving elsewhere for their gas to avoid the penny a gallon tax, and say they may shop elsewhere as well. Others recall being ticketed for parking in the village shopping area, and consider now they have less reason to stay in town for their errands.

As one citizen was quoted in the press:
" Another resident, Jerry Malloy, 49, objected to offering an incentive for a hybrid technology used mostly in Japanese cars. Besides, said Malloy, who drives an 11-year-old Volkswagen, the people who buy hybrids don't need any help.

"It's subsidizing a toy for the rich," he said. "The poor aren't going to pay $6,000 extra for a [hybrid Toyota] Prius just to save $300 in gas."
So those of us without stars may not pay up to get one.

It's a regressive tax, hitting hardest those with fewer resources.

And it's nanny state intrusion.

Politicians around here often tell their constituents how smart they are--but then they treat us as if we needed a dose of Dr. Suess at bedtime.

UPDATE: This from a reader :
I don't really think "South Park" is art, but our new green tax reminds me of an episode where a "smug cloud" moves in from CA and covers the town after it votes for electric cars. Life imitating art?

UPDATE:(Episode 141 "Smug Alert!" First aired 3/29/2006)

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