Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A Year of Living Safely

Christopher Hitchens, via RCP, on Saddam Hussein and other important things:
Speaking after his expulsion from Kuwait, he admitted to his followers that he had made a mistake. He should have built his nuclear bomb first, and only then invaded his neighbor. In 1990, in other words, as the world was celebrating the end of the Cold War, a mad dictator had both a nuclear reactor at Tuwaitha and a plan to occupy another country by force and annex a huge quantity of the world's oil. And we did not know of either contingency. (The nuclear facility was not discovered or disarmed until after the war was over.) So, 1990, in retrospect, was a year of living safely. And if you can believe that, then you can feel blissfully safe cultivating a vineyard on the slopes of Mount Etna.
Meanwhile the latest headlines at MEMRI:
Iranian (home of the Shiia nuke) TV report exposes "Zionist" Companies (think they got their list of evil companies from Howard Dean?) PEPSI stands for Pay Each Penny Save Israel. Coke's on the list too. As are Sara Lee and McDonald's. Here's the video.

And Egyptian President Mubarak and his son broach the subject of a Sunni nuke, oops, peaceful nuclear development.

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