Tet, that is, was a military victory for the U.S. that turned into a propaganda victory for the communists because American journalists presented a false picture of what had happened.The media today are eager to repeat their "success" in Vietnam--and it was a success inasmuch as the media were hugely influential over the course of events. But from a journalistic standpoint it was a gross failure. The real lesson of Vietnam is that journalists got the story wrong. We are not at all convinced that the American people are about to get fooled again.
CNN is engaging in no such introspection, airing a graphic video showing snipers targeting U.S. troops and announcing that it is part of a PR campaign:
The video is disturbing to watch but CNN believes the story, shocking as it is, needs to be told.What shall we call CNN now? Let's review---CNN as the Craven News Network. Back in February, when the cartoon war heated up, CNN said this:
CNN has chosen to not show the cartoons out of respect for Islam.What about respect for our troops and their families? What about respect for our country?
I suggest CNN: the Contemptible News Network.
UPDATE: More from Powerline on the Media Quagmire.
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