Friday, November 03, 2006

Care at Risk at Cook County

The head of Cook County Hospitals, hours after he was forced to resign, said he had no say in hiring---even doctors. Sun Times:
Dr. Daniel Winship was hired to run the $1 billion Cook County hospital system, but says he had no say on who was hired to fill thousands of jobs.

That control was closely guarded by former County Board President John Stroger and his allies, Winship said Thursday.

"I couldn't do anything," he said, just hours after Board President Bobbie Steele announced his resignation.

Jobs, he said, were filled only through Stroger's office and political patronage affected all hires, including doctors, though he doesn't think it "adversely affected the delivery of care to patients.
Federal agents are now investigating the influence of patronage in deciding who is hired, but what about quality of care for patients?

That very real concern makes it even more urgent for a responsible, independent leader to take charge in Cook County. Voters have a clear choice in Tony Peraica. And it's no exaggeration to say peoples' lives are at risk.

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