The Three Stooges' atmosphere is too much even for liberal Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank, as he describes Nancy Pelosi's first test as Speaker of the House, backing loser Murtha. They put out extra flags to flank the trio:
Pelosi and Hoyer emerged together and clasped hands in an exaggerated show of camaraderie. Behind them, Murtha wore a miserable expression, even when Pelosi hailed his "magnificent contribution." She continued: "I was proud to support him for majority leader, because I thought that would be the best way to bring an end to the war in Iraq." Now it was Hoyer's turn for discomfort; he listened slightly agape.So now we have it----Nancy's plan to end the war!!!!
And it's all good! She prefaced her remarks with this sentiment, circa 1968:
"We've had our debates, we've had our disagreements in that room," Pelosi acknowledged as she left the Cannon caucus room to face more than 200 reporters and cameras. "And now," she added hopefully, "that is over. . . . Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with us. Let the healing begin."Mouthing liberal pieties, these Democrats can't even handle their leadership election without blood on the floor.
Oh, and Nancy described Rahm as "cold-blooded". (I vote for Nancy as Moe.)
Hey, they're in charge now!
P.S: "This won't be a love fest. We're not going to sing Kumbaya today,'' said Rep. Albert Wynn of Maryland, who backed Hoyer.
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