Thursday, November 16, 2006

We Need Mike Pence

Pence is the choice for real reform, signalling a return to the principles of limited government which animated the successful 1994 Contract with America. IndyStar, RCP:
Pence gives Republicans a clear choice of direction. He is a Reagan Republican, who has notably deviated from his party on key issues such as the new Medicare prescription drug entitlement and the No Child Left Behind Law, both which Boehner supported. In fact, as chairman of the Education Committee, Boehner played a major role pushing NCLB, which required states to implement myriad testing and reporting requirements in return for federal aid. "My vote against NCLB has ripened like a fine wine in a cool cellar," Pence said, describing the law as "manifestly unpopular" on the left and right.
While I did reluctantly support NCLB as the only way to begin to bust the teachers' union, Mike Pence has the right instincts and the right principles. The prescription drug entitlement was a huge mistake. We need a successor to Reagan, to wrestle big government back and make it as honest as possible.

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