Monday, December 11, 2006

An "Oppressive " Minority in Iran

Latest from Iran. A few brave youths at Tehran University confront their president. Breitbart:
"A small number of students shouted 'death to the dictator' and smashed cameras of state television but they were confronted by a bigger group of students in the hall chanting: 'We support Ahmadinejad'," it said.

It was the latest in a series of student demonstrations in recent days, the first time in least two years that such protests have taken place on this scale at Iranian universities.

Ahmadinejad responded by describing those students chanting the slogans as an "oppressive" minority.
Despite being oppressed by the minority, the Iranian president is holding a Holocaust denial conference. Washington Post:

Iran opened a conference on Monday to examine the Holocaust and question whether Nazi Germany used gas chambers to kill Jews, drawing condemnation in the West and criticism from Iran's Jewish community.
There were also some apologists from the West at this conference.

Presumably Ahmadinejad the nuke developer, who has described Israel as a "tumor", has a more efficient method in mind to eliminate another "oppressive" minority this time.

Meanwhile, the UN Security Council is still considering sanctions on Iran for its refusal to stop uranium enrichment as of Aug. 31, but no agreement has been reached.

UPDATE: Protest video at HotAir.

UPDATE: Little Green Footballs with more background on the Western attendees. Incredible.

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