Thursday, December 07, 2006

Who is Jamil Hussein?

Another series of bogus stories, this time using a bogus source? A fake policeman, Jamil Hussein quoted in 61 repeat 61 Associated Press stories about Iraq. The story that sparked disbelief and further investigation by bloggers claimed that Shiite militiamen burned alive 6 Sunni worshippers. The US military and Iraqi officials stated at the time that this policeman source did not exist. Via Michelle Malkin, Flopping Aces. AP hasn't produced this source. Latest here on further AP efforts.

And Mark Steyn on O'Reilly---AP either dupes or semi-treasonous, pointing out the impact on the credibility of newspapers who draw heavily from AP. Via HotAir.

UPDATE: Reading more, Curt at Flopping Aces points out the connection between this apparently bogus story and MSNBC deciding Iraq is a CIVIL WAR. Doesn't this seem all too convenient? But I suppose I am giving the MSM too much credit---they don't need to conspire elaborately, they have their liberal world view to guide them, or failing that---talking points.RedState. And following through to some lefty sources, we unearth the august pronouncements of the Columbia Journalism Review, who slams bloggers and the US military:
It is important to get to the truth here. But the point is that the bloggers and the U.S. Army, who reflexively denied the initial account, did so not because they were concerned with accuracy.
We bloggers and the U.S. Army are just a bunch of reflexively slavering Pavlovian dogs. But as Mark Steyn also pointed out on O'Reilly, MSM journalists may have attended Columbia's J school, but then hire local stringers, apparently indiscriminately.

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