Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Mixed Message

Apparently newly anointed, uh elected Cook County Board President Todd Stroger hasn't absorbed a lesson in managerial skills 101, that it's easier to implement a new agenda if you yourself provide an example. Some department heads are competently streamlining their operations, but it's all in the family at Todd's place, following his dad's, uh predecessor's tradition of giving close relatives and friends lucrative jobs. Sun Times, Tribune.

The Cook County Board is thankfully providing some oversight, led by Commissioners Tony Peraica and Forrest Claypool, Stroger's former challengers at the ballot box.

As the Toddster's attempt to commandeer an elevator for his private use was rescinded after it became public, members of the public and the press may have a chance to ask him a few pointed questions now and then, if they can get past his "multiple spokespersons".

The budget will go to the Finance Committee for hearings and must be approved by the end of February.

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