Monday, January 22, 2007

Porkbusters Prevail Again!

At RedState, follow-up on the earmark bill, (see previous post Durbin Flips on Earmarks), with commentary by Sen. Jim DeMint. Read the whole thing, but I of course especially enjoyed this part:
It was not until five days later that we were able to work this matter out in the Senate. But what happened over those five days had a direct impact on how the issue was resolved. Bloggers, liberal and conservative, led the charge for reform. Their numerous postings piqued the interest of the mainstream press and a multitude of editorial boards. Their message was all the same: reform now. A chastened Senator Durbin proposed some minor tweaks to my amendment which I accepted. To Durbin’s credit, rather than weakening my amendment, he made it stronger. It would be fair to say that the outcry from the blogosphere created the best possible scenario in the Senate: a bidding war on reform in which both parties wanted to outdo the other. That is a climate that I was happy to see develop and one that we need to continue.
Porkbusters Prevail Again! Next needed bipartisan reform on the table, a proposal for line-item rescission.

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