Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dowd's Delicious Dish

Have been doing a bit of shoveling today, so not so much blogging, but if you haven't read Maureen Dowd yet on Obama, it's as delicious as anything dished out during the Clinton years. She's good on celebrity-politicos. Here's one snippet:
He was eloquent, if not as inspiring as his advance billing had prepared audiences to expect. He made his first Swift-boat-able slip when he had to apologize for talking about soldiers’ lives “wasted” in Iraq. He sounded self-consciously pristine at times, as if he was too refined for the muck of politics. That’s not how you beat anybody but Alan Keyes.
And this:
Using the dreaded third person that some candidates slip into, he told the press that one of their favorite narratives boiled down to “Obama has pretty good style, he can deliver a pretty good speech, but he seems to prioritize rhetoric over substance.” After an ode to his own specificity, he tut-tutted, “You’ve been reporting on how I look in a swimsuit.”

He poses for the cover of Men’s Vogue and then gets huffy when people don’t treat him as Hannah Arendt.

Guess I'll have to put her back on my reading list until the Dem primaries are over.

Previous post: Barackometer.

UPDATE: The Obama Men's Vogue currently for sale at ebay for $20. Autographed copy goes for $225. One of his fans is cashing in now. Hmm.

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