Monday, February 26, 2007

Jihad's Campus Collaborators

Fordham, MIT, CUNY, Georgetown? Caroline Glick, RCP: "Jihad's Campus Collaborators":

Fordham University is far from alone in providing a platform for Holocaust deniers. Last Thursday the Dean's office at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology co-sponsored an event on the Arab-Israel conflict called, "Foreign Policy and Social Justice: A Jewish View, a Muslim View." The man invited to provide the Jewish view was Dovid Weiss, a member of the crackpot Neturei Karta sect. Weiss rose to prominence when he traveled to Teheran last December to participate in Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Holocaust denial conference. [snip]

At an "Israel Apartheid Week" event at City University of New York, after watching a propaganda film, 19-year old Binyamin Rister rose and politely asked the ISM presenters if they supported terrorism. When he received no reply he politely repeated the question. Rather than wait for an answer, CUNY security guards dragged Rister from the room and then repeatedly banged his head against the wall of an elevator and threw him head first down the stairs. Rister's injuries from the assault by campus security required him to be evacuated by ambulance in a neck brace to the hospital.
Don't forget Penn's president (who did NOT get the nod for Harvard) smiling with the student jihadist in costume. This Wednesday night DePaul University is hosting an event with quite a lopsided panel. I plan to go. We will see what is said. Maybe I should wear my bike helmet.

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