Thursday, February 08, 2007

Misleading Information

Dennis Byrne exposes the latest sloppy statistics peddled by the Union of Concerned Scientists to support charges the Bush administration is politicizing the "science" of global warming:
When the survey finally got around to asking how many scientists actually received "requests by officials for scientists to provide incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading information to the public," only 12 scientists (4 percent of respondents) did. Let's see, 12 out of the 1,630 scientists who received the survey amounts an underwhelming 0.7 percent. Hardly the kind of statistic that supports the claim of a "wide-spread epidemic" of interference.
And Jack Higgins gives us the picture. (Other pix from my friend at the Wilmette blog.)

Previous posts: Not so Fast, The Cosmic Ray Theory,Waxman's Political "Scientists"

UPDATE: Latest newsletter from the Chicago-based Heartland Institute includes this:
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions even modestly is estimated to cost the average household in the U.S. a cool $3,372 per year and would destroy 2.4 million jobs. Electricity prices would double, and manufacturers would move their factories to places such as China and India that have cheaper energy and fewer environmental regulations.

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