Monday, March 19, 2007

Exploring America

Tony Blankley on the departure of most of Halliburton's operations to Dubai:
Rather than hold hearings or construct phantom conspiratorial tax evasion theories, Mr. Waxman, Mr. Leahy and their fellow ilk might consider that, since Congress won't permit American oil companies to drill for the more than 140 billion barrels of recoverable oil that exists under American ground and in our coastal waters, it only makes sense for oil-drilling companies to go where oil drilling is permitted.

I wouldn't blame Halliburton if it moved all its assets out of a country (that would be the United States) that slanders its good name rather than appreciates its world-class, vitally needed skills. What a pity if Mr. Waxman and his fellow anti-capitalists soon won't have Halliburton to kick around any more.
Since Democrats cut defense spending so sharply during the Clinton administration, Halliburton is one of only two companies in the world capable of doing what our government needed it to do. The other company is French. Of course that wouldn't bother the Democrats, but most Americans would not be comfortable entrusting our national security to the French.

But think about that number---140 billion barrels of recoverable oil under the ground in America. Iran has 138 billion barrels of oil.

We consume 21 billion barrels a day and produce only 5. Yet for years we have allowed environmentalists to lock up all this potential which would put us on a par with Iran. Unbelievable!

Our grandfathered existing offshore drilling rigs withstood Katrina, illustrating how good and safe the technology is. And the technology for drilling on land has developed to the point where it's akin to a laparoscopy through a navel.

Over 70% of Americans are in favor of offshore drilling, when the affected states are willing, and with the highest safety measures.

By all means let's look at energy alternatives, (no subsidies please) but most offer very little power. In the longer term nuclear power, a clean, green technology can be brought online, if we start building now.

Americans need to support energy exploration at home as well as abroad for our present and future comfort, security and freedom.

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