Monday, March 19, 2007

The Last Straw with McCain

Sen. John McCain is off my list.

This morning I read he's sucking up to Europe characterizing us as "Ugly Americans" and kowtowing again to the global warming goofs, now I read he is beating up on the Club for Growth and defending that RINO fink Lincoln Chafee, who as a lame duck spitefully blocked John Bolton's nomination.

This is the last straw. No way am I voting for McCain. Only if by some fluke he wins the Republican nomination, but the way he's offending the base, it's more of a long shot every day.

By the way, he wants to move the Gitmo terrorists to a brig in Kansas.

Previous posts here and here.

UPDATE: McCain rips Club for Growth unfairly, citing Reagan not to criticize a fellow Republican. Well, the national party should stay out of Republican primaries. The Club interceded to back a challenger, nothing wrong with that. Post-primary is another question entirely. Video.

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