Monday, March 05, 2007

Nealz Nuze about Youse

I've blogged on the travesty of the Defense budget being starved by Democrats for years, the same Democrats who are now shocked, shocked that enough hasn't been done to put Walter Reed on a war footing, especially in caring for recovering soldiers. And not just at Walter Reed. Maybe the Dems will finally pony up and vote for the bigger and better funded military we need, including better health care, one of America's promises to its veterans.

Now Neal blogs it home to all of us. Via RCP:
An investigative reporting team from The Washington Post investigated conditions at the Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington .. particularly the outpatient facilities. What they found was deplorable. There was mold, there were rats, and there was no small amount of grime and filth. Our injured soldiers were waiting interminable lengths of time for the most basic services. In short, the place was a mess. In the aftermath of the investigation the General in charge of Walter Reed resigned .... followed by the Secretary of the Army. Let's dispense with the PC language here. They didn't resign. They were fired. The American people won't tolerate this type of shabby treatment for our injured soldiers.

President Bush is going to appoint a commission to investigate all of this. Whoopee. Another government commission. Can't wait.

While they're cleaning up this mess at Walter Reed ... here's what you need to know. This treatment that was being delivered to our injured soldiers is the future of your health care. This is what you, if you're somewhat young, and most certainly your children have to deal with as the United States moves inexorably toward socialized medicine. Government health care.

There you have it. Still want HillaryCare? Still want ObamaUniversalTrauma?

Previous posts: A Six Year Toothache, Heartless Socialized Medicine

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