Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Another Christopher Buckley must read. His book "Boomsday" is humorous and prophetic. (Hey, perfect for me:), maybe my kids will give it to me for my next over 50 birthday.) The heroine rabble rouser is appropriately named Cassandra, age 29, and a blogger. Boomer Robert J. Samuelson sobers up in his discussion of the book:

Social Security and Medicare are an essential part of the social fabric. Millions depend on them. But the vast benefits -- paid too early and too indiscriminately -- have become disconnected from genuine need. Unless the two are reconnected, these successful programs will tear at the social fabric. It is unfair to blame only baby boomers for not acting preemptively to curb the known costs of their retirement. The "greatest generation" bears equal responsibility. Politicians have done nothing, because voters -- present and prospective retirees -- have wanted them to do nothing. Still, boomers deserve special disapproval.

"Baby Boomers," says Buckley's Devine, "made self-indulgence a virtue."
Time to grow up Boomers.

Previous post: Grasshoppers and Ants

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